B03E: Tolerogenic Function of Dendritic Cells in the Gut-Liver Axis
Project B03-E is ending after first funding period.
Gut and liver act as a unit to maintain immune tolerance in the steady-state, by inducing a population of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in Treg induction, however little is known about the tolerogenic potential of hepatic DC.
We will exploit a unique technique to capture migrating DC from mouse lymphatics. This approach relies on adenectomy of the respective lymph nodes – the hepatic lymph nodes to isolate liver DC and the mesenteric lymph nodes to capture intestinal DC.
In this project we will
- characterize the role of hepatic and intestinal lymph DC in the induction of tolerogenic responses in the liver and gut.
- address functional and migratory properties of Foxp3+ Tregs induced by hepatic and intestinal DCs.
- examine how the tolerogenic function of hepatic and intestinal DC is altered in conditions of disrupted intestinal homeostasis.