Understanding and Modelling processes
that constitute the Gut-Liver Axis
that constitute the Gut-Liver Axis
A comprehensive knowledge will foster the development of innovative diagnostic
tools and interventional strategies to improve patient care.
Gut and Liver Functions are Characterized by Organ Crosstalk
Gut and Liver develop from a common cellular ancestor. Gut and Liver cooperate in nutrient uptake and metabolism. Gut and Liver structurally and functionally separate the microbiota-containing gut lumen from the systemic circulation. Gut and Liver act in concert to ensure tolerance to the microbiota and dietary antigens. And last but not least, Gut and Liver provide immunity to pathogens. The functional link between gut and liver is immediately visible in clinical medicine and results in a number of combined disease manifestations.
Our goal is a comprehensive understanding and modelling of the Gut-Liver Axis. This will foster the development of innovative diagnostic tools and interventional strategies and improve patient care.
We are a team of basic and clinician scientist. Based at the RWTH Aachen University and partners in Leipzig, Bonn and Berlin our expertise is focused around gastroenterology, microbiology, immunology and bioinformatics. We are collaborating to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical needs.
A good measure of productive scientific cooperation within CRC1382 is our publication record.
Scientists in the consortium regularly report their findings in international peer reviewed journals, on scientific conferences and in the public press.
We support for basic and clinician scientists at all stages of their careers.
Doctoral candidates work on major aspects of the projects. They are enrolled in the associated Graduate school ‚Gut-Liver Axis‘ that provides a structured environment ensuring optimal support of the project.
Bachelor and Master students contribute to exciting projects embedded in the CRC1382. Postdocs will be supported in developing their own projects and becoming independent scientists.
We provide multifaceted job opportunities and strongly encourage unsolicited applications!
News and Activities
We discuss and communicate scientific data and concepts via regular seminars, retreats and publications.
New CRC publication in PNAS
New CRC publication in PNAS: Salmonella infection accelerates postnatal maturation of the intestinal epithelium The postnatal establishment of metabolic, host–microbial, and immune homeostasis is the result of precisely timed and tightly regulated developmental [...]
CRC1382 3rd Project Day
CRC1382 3rd Project Day in November 2024 On November 29, 2024, the CRC1382 consortium met for the 3rd and last Project Day in 2024. Four projects presented their progress and received feedback [...]
Contact to the speaker
Spokesperson CRC 1382
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Pabst
Institute of Molecular Medicine,
RWTH Aachen University
Steering Committee
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Marie-Luise Berres
Department of Internal Medicine III,
RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Clavel
Institute of Medical Microbiology,
RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Phd. Marianne Grognot
Institute of Medical Microbiology,
RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. med. Fabian Kiessling
Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging,
RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Pabst
Institute of Molecular Medicine,
RWTH Aachen University
Involved institutions
A core team of basic and clinician scientists from RWTH Aachen University is strengthened by experts
from Charité (Berlin), Goethe University (Frankfurt), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Research (Leipzig) and Maastricht University. CRC1382 is funded by the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.