Gut, Liver and Friends Seminar with Prof. Emma Wetter Slack, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, ETH Zürich

On November 20th , 2019, our seminar guest Emma Wetter Slack shared her view on gut IgA biology with the audience. She gave a highly informative talk entitled “Interactions between gut bacteria and the mucosal immune system”. She presented her group’s newest data on the interactions of IgA and intestinal bacteria and showed preliminary data addressing the role of mucosal T cells in microbiota regulation. Emma Wetter Slack is an expert in the field of IgA biology and her work has profoundly altered our understanding of the mechanisms of immune exclusion of pathogenic bacteria by secretory IgA. Her talk was followed by a ‘Meet the Speaker’ session specifically aimed at young scientists to encourage discussion and scientific exchange.
Moor, Kathrin, Diard, Médéric, Sellin, Mikael E., Felmy, Boas, Wotzka, Sandra Y., Toska, Albulena, Bakkeren, Erik, Arnoldini, Markus, Bansept, Florence, Co, Alma Dal, Völler, Tom, Minola, Andrea, Fernandez-Rodriguez, Blanca, Agatic, Gloria, Barbieri, Sonia, Piccoli, Luca, Casiraghi, Costanza, Corti, Davide, Lanzavecchia, Antonio, Regoes, Roland R., Loverdo, Claude, Stocker, Roman, Brumley, Douglas R., Hardt, Wolf-Dietrich and Slack, Emma (2017). “High-avidity IgA protects the intestine by enchaining growing bacteria.” Nature 544(7651): 498-502.
Enchained growth and cluster dislocation: A possible mechanism for microbiota homeostasis. Florence Bansept, Kathrin Schumann-Moor, Médéric Diard, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Emma Slack and Claude Loverdo. PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 15: no. 5, pp. e1006986, San Francisco, CA: Public Library of Science, 2019.
Salmonella persisters promote the spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids in the gut. Erik Bakkeren, Jana S. Huisman, Stefan A. Fattinger, Annika Hausmann, Markus Furter, Adrian Egli, Emma Wetter Slack, Mikael E. Sellin, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Roland Robert Regös, Médéric Diard and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt. Nature, vol. 573: no. 7773, pp. 276-280, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019.
IgA and the intestinal microbiota: the importance of being specific. Oliver Pabst and Emma Slack E . Mucosal Immunol. 2019 Nov 18. doi: 10.1038/s41385-019-0227-4 [Epub ahead of print].