A08: Functional impact of genetic risk factors for disease progression within the gut-liver axis
Metabolic liver disease is a rising epidemic following the expansion of obesity in all parts of the world. Disease progression is associated with changes in intestinal microbiota as well as intestinal barrier function, suggesting a role for the gut-liver axis in metabolic liver disease.
Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (Pnpla3) is a triacylglycerol lipase active in several cells involved in lipid metabolism, such as hepatocytes. A Pnpla3 polymorphism at position 148 is a well-established risk factor for metabolic liver disease.
In this project we will
- use a genetic mouse model carrying the PNPLA3 polymorphism to experimentally dissect the contribution of the intestinal microbiota, diet, alcohol and gut barrier integrity to liver disease.
- translate the experimental observations into the human situation and correlate them to clinical observations and outcomes in patients with PNPLA3 mutations.
Involved scientists
Dr. med. Lena S. Candels
Department of Medicine III,
RWTH Aachen University