2nd Retreat of CRC1382 – October 15-16, 2020
About half of the CRC members met at the Center for Teaching and Training, CT², located next doors to the university clinics of RWTH Aachen University, while the other participants joined online.
Thanks to well-equipped conference technique all participants could actively interact during our hybrid meeting, present and discuss their projects, exchange information and expand co-operations.
CRC1382 spokesperson Oliver Pabst gave a report on activities and the use of our budget and initiated discussions in which direction CRC1382 could develop and which measures should be taken to achieve our aims.
PIs presented the status of the projects, first results, collaborations that have been initiated, as well as emerging problems.
Our guest speaker Professor Lothar Elling guided us through the complex world of sugars and introduced us into the biology of Galectins, a class of β-galactoside binding proteins.
The Rising Star is our initiative to support female young scientists and beyond that aims at recruiting potential PIs for future funding periods. Ana Izcue was elected as the CRC´s first Rising Star and showed the progress of her project. Future Rising Star candidates presented their project drafts.
Lukas Bossert updated us on research data management and platforms established for CRC members to share data and documents.
Under the umbrella of CRC associated graduate school ‘Gut-Liver Axis’ 18 PhD students have been employed by CRC money and have started their theses within the last year. A separate session for our PhD students provided the opportunity to get to know each other better, clarify formal questions and discuss course offerings for doctoral students.