New CRC publication

“Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 Alleviates Bile Acid Stress Response in Clostridium ramosum and Anaerostipes caccae by Transformation of Bile Acids”


The recent publication in Microorganisms

“Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243 Alleviates Bile Acid Stress Response in Clostridium ramosum and Anaerostipes caccae by Transformation of Bile Acids”

exemplifies the close cooperation of PIs involved in CRC1382 and moreover strengthens the bonds between partners in Leipzig (Martin von Bergen, Kristian J. Pedersen (both A05)) and Aachen (Thomas Clavel, Alina Viehof (both A05) and Frank Schaap (A07)).

Although it is known that bile acids shape the structure of the intestinal microbiome by inhibiting some bacteria specifically, information on the details of adaptation of a variety of typical intestinal bacteria is missing. Thus we co-cultured several strains in the presence of Eggerthella  lenta, a species known for its wide capacity for modifying bile acids, and analysed the growth as well as the metaproteome, metabolome and in cooperation with Frank Schaap and Martin Lenicek the bile acid modifications. We revealed that E. lenta is capable of modifying cholic acid and deoxycholic acid, and that diminshed the toxic effects of bile acids on the gram positive bacteria. We further identified the molecular stress response of the various species and in addition found that E. lenta as well as other bacteria like Anaerostipes caccae can form Leu-Cholic acid.

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