‘Gut, Liver and Friends’ Seminar with Lindsey Devisscher
March 19 @ 12:30 - 14:00
On Wednesday, 19.03.2025 at 12:30, Prof. Lindsey Devisscher will be the speaker of our ‘Gut, Liver and Friends‘ seminar.
Prof. Lindsey Devisscher is PI of the Gut-Liver ImmunoPharmacology (GLIPh) unit at the Dpt. of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Ghent. She has a master’s degree in veterinary medicine, performed her PhD on inflammatory bowel diseases and continued her scientific career as postdoctoral scientist with focus on liver disease. She was appointed professor in 2018 and founded the GLIPh unit, which further builds on her expertise and focusses on the pathogenesis and new therapeutic options for gastro-intestinal related liver diseases with emphasize on the gut-liver axis and innate immunity. Prof. Devisscher is highly experienced in animal models for gut and liver pathology, is chair of the Animal Ethics Committee of her faculty and attaches great importance to the translational value of experimental models. In line, her research has a fundamental and translational approach by using relevant animal models, and linking results to data retrieved from human patient samples. Within her University, she is team lead of the Research Task Force within her department, member of the Commission for Scientific Research of her faculty and leader of the Core Facility ‘Histology’ of her faculty. In addition to her scientific and institutional leadership, she lectures pharmacology to medical, biomedical and pharmacy students and gastro-intestinal physiology to medical students which keeps her up to date within the field of disease pathogenesis and therapy.
Her talk will be entitled:
“Gut-liver axis and immune dysregulation in PSC”.