New CRC publication in PNAS

By |2025-01-09T09:39:43+01:0009.01.2025|

New CRC publication in PNAS: Salmonella infection accelerates postnatal maturation of the intestinal epithelium The postnatal establishment of metabolic, host–microbial, and immune homeostasis is the result of precisely timed and tightly regulated developmental and adaptive processes. Tissue damage during this “neonatal window of opportunity” may disrupt these processes explaining human epidemiological data associating [...]

The gut bacterium Extibacter muris produces secondary bile acids and influences liver physiology in gnotobiotic mice

By |2021-01-15T15:36:40+01:0015.01.2021|

New CRC publication "The gut bacterium Extibacter muris produces secondary bile acids and influences liver physiology in gnotobiotic mice" Barely two weeks have passed and we can already announce the next excellent article from our CRC consortium. In project A05, PIs Tom Clavel and Martin von Bergen together [...]

“Disturbed bile homeostasis and microbiota composition by intestinal protozoan infection causing metabolic dysregulation and growth impairment”

By |2020-10-15T12:11:41+02:0015.10.2020|

New CRC 1382 publication "Disturbed gut microbiota and bile homeostasis in Giardia-infected mice contributes to metabolic dysregulation and growth impairment" Our members Mathias W. Hornef (B01, Q03), Martin von Bergen (A05), Felix Gremse (Q01), Fabian Kiessling (Q01) and Christian Trautwein (A06, A08) have written and contributed [...]

“Rational design of a microbial consortium of mucosal sugar utilizers reduces Clostridiodes difficile colonization”

By |2020-10-14T09:05:53+02:0014.10.2020|

New CRC 1382 publication "Rational design of a microbial consortium of mucosal sugar utilizers reduces Clostridiodes difficile colonization" Our member Martin von Bergen, PI of project A05, was co-authoring a publication in Nature Communications which is now available as open access paper. Further reading [...]

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