EEE: ELN-(No)Experience-Exchange

Zoom Digital Meeting, for information send an email to

This monthly meeting is meant to give everyone the possibility to talk about the Electronic Labjournal "eLabJournal@UKA". It doesn't matter if you haven't used it so far or if you are a pro-user. We want to talk about your experience and how we at CRC1382 can improve the individual use and the project-wise collaboration. If [...]

EEE: ELN-(No)Experience-Exchange

Zoom Digital Meeting, for information send an email to

This monthly meeting is meant to give everyone the possibility to talk about the Electronic Labjournal "eLabJournal@UKA". It doesn't matter if you haven't used it so far or if you are a pro-user. We want to talk about your experience and how we at CRC1382 can improve the individual use and the project-wise collaboration. If [...]

‘Gut, Liver and Friends’ Seminar with Andre Franke

in presence at UKA

on Wednesday, 07.12.2022 at 3:30 pm, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andre Franke will be the speaker of our next 'Gut, Liver and Friends' seminar. Andre Franke is Director at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology at the Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany. His Research Interests: "My main scientific interests are the development and establishment of novel high-throughput technologies, the inherent [...]

EEE: ELN-(No)Experience-Exchange

Zoom Digital Meeting, for information send an email to

This monthly meeting is meant to give everyone the possibility to talk about the Electronic Labjournal "eLabJournal@UKA". It doesn't matter if you haven't used it so far or if you are a pro-user. We want to talk about your experience and how we at CRC1382 can improve the individual use and the project-wise collaboration. If [...]