How we want to improve our collaboration workflow in the CRC
Exchanging ideas and data with your colleagues is less difficult than you may think!
This topic today is just one of the topics regarding research data management I want to inform about in regularly appearing newsletters. If there are any questions about research data mangement or you have some topics you would like to learn more about,
do not hesitate contacting your data steward.
Your data steward
How we share our data.
Sending large files via email is quite annoying and sometimes impossible to do.
There are two ways changing that.
Sciebo is a campus cloud for all universities in NRW and comparable to Dropbox/OneDrive, but your data is hosted on a secure server of the university.
As a employee of the RWTH or UKA you can have up to 500 GB for your personal (research) data which can be on your local device (via the sciebo-app) or in the sciebo-cloud simultaneously.
For a project you can get up to 2 TB on request (with some formalities).
Go to the LogIn webpage (register before and have a look into the documentation!)
For more details and further information visit the online documentation (in the RWTH-Wiki) or the helpcenter of sciebo.
IT Center at RWTH Aachen
GigaMove is a browser based app which allows sending and receiving files with a size up to 2 GB.
For more details and further information visit the online documentation (in the RWTH-Wiki).
How we share our thoughts.
Discussing ideas is done best via video conference where you have a whiteboard and are able to upload files or show your screen to others.
With DFNconf employees of RWTH Aachen University can organise video, web and audio conferences ad hoc and without prior reservation of resources.
In contrary to Skype Business not everyone needs to have an account of the RWTH. You, as organiser of the video conference, send out a link and the conference participants join via their browser. The once set up virtual conference room can be used several times.
For more details and further information visit the online documentation (in the RWTH-Wiki).
How we write down our results.
Writing an article by sending emails back and forth with various versions of the edited manuscript can lead to chaos.
You can use sciebo for simultaneous writing, too.
Have a look at the information pages on sciebo about the ‘document editor & simultaneous editing‘.