Want to stand out?

Logo taken from: www.ORCID.org
What is it?
A non-profit organization which aims to connect researchers to their research. While improving transparency and facilitating trust between researchers in the scientific community.
ORCID is an acronym representing Open Researcher and Contributor ID
Free service for researchers
What does it do?
Provides users with a persistent digital identifier (PID)
For example, Mathias Mueller is a fairly common name.
But with a PID we can identify the correct researcher and link them with all of their work.
Just like a unique finger print.

Why do I need a PID?
A PID distinguishes you from other researchers
Allows you to connect your ID with your professional information including
A PID ensures research visibility via personalized settings allowing the researcher to choose with whom to share their research
Connected to over 1,200 trusted member organizations including the RWTH

RWTH Publications
Utilizes IDM personal standard set, this record contains information on different spellings of your name, your email address, your institute affiliation, further author IDs and publications confirmed by you.
You can link your personal ID to your personal ORCID profile to fill it with the quality-checked metadata from RWTH Publications
How to link your ORCiD with RWTH Publications
First go to the RWTH publications website by clicking: https://publications.rwth-aachen.de/
Once there click on ‘Personalize’ then ‘Personal Authority Record’. Processing the IDM Authority Record should take about 24 hours.
Once you have an IDM Authority Record you can go back to the RWTH website and click:
‘Register ORCiD’ which will first prompt you to sign in with your RWTH single sign on login.
Once signed in you can follow the prompts to link your RWTH Publication account with ORCiD
How to link Coscine with your ORCiD
First navigate to the RWTH Coscine website at Coscine (rwth-aachen.de) where you will be prompted to login
There will be an option to sign in with your ORCiD or your RWTH login.
Should you login with RWTH simply click on your name on the top right corner of the page and in the drop down box click ‘User Profile’
Once in the user profile page scroll to the bottom and click connect to ORDCiD
Linking your ORCiD with Coscine increases the visibility of your research.